Continuing Action

Update on “Continuing Actions: A Warrior’s Guide to Coming Home”

After a year and a half of work, my second book, titled Continuing Actions: A Warrior's Guide to Coming Home, is nearing completion.  I've just finished the final edits and am turning my attention to interior formatting, cover design, and cover copy.  Once those final pieces fall into place, the book will be available on in paperback and Kindle formats. When I finished my first book, After Action, I took a deep breath, patted myself on the back, and prepared to do something else.  After almost three years of writing and editing, I was ready to put that book behind me and [...]

Clay Hunt Act–A Good Start

Thanks in no small part to the lobbying efforts of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act is heading to the President's desk.  This bill is designed to, among other things, increase accessibility of mental health treatment for veterans.  This bill only passed because the pressure applied by various veterans groups kept it on politicians' "to do" lists.  That's no small feat when you remember they also had to squeeze in another vote to repeal ObamaCare (56th and counting). But they did vote on it, and pass it, and now the Clay [...]

Feedback for “Continuing Action: Completing the Warrior’s Journey.”

Just before Thanksgiving I sent copies of the book I've been working on, Continuing Action: Completing the Warrior's Journey, to a few people for some "test reads."  I'd gotten the manuscript to the point where I needed some fresh eyes to tell me if it made any sense. I kept the number of readers small but spread them out across several key demographics.  While my target audience is centered on veterans and their families, I needed to get feedback from classical scholars, leaders of non-profits, mental-health professionals, and active-duty military personnel as well.  This is because Continuing Action addresses shortcomings in the way modern [...]

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