American Sniper?

Prepping for a mission with MCSOCOM Det One, Baghdad 2004. I bumped into a friend while dropping my daughter off this morning and she asked me what I thought of the Clint Eastwood movie, American Sniper.  I answered that I hadn't seen it so I didn't really have an opinion.  It was only later that I realized I was wrong.  I may not have watched the movie but I certainly have an opinion. I haven't gone to see it yet because the movie wasn't made for me.  Nor are just about any of the war movies set in [...]

Feedback for “Continuing Action: Completing the Warrior’s Journey.”

Just before Thanksgiving I sent copies of the book I've been working on, Continuing Action: Completing the Warrior's Journey, to a few people for some "test reads."  I'd gotten the manuscript to the point where I needed some fresh eyes to tell me if it made any sense. I kept the number of readers small but spread them out across several key demographics.  While my target audience is centered on veterans and their families, I needed to get feedback from classical scholars, leaders of non-profits, mental-health professionals, and active-duty military personnel as well.  This is because Continuing Action addresses shortcomings in the way modern [...]

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