warrior’s journey

What’s In A Cover?

As the release of Continuing Actions: A Warrior's Guide to Coming Home draws near, I thought I'd share a little bit about the cover design that the team from Ascent created for it. I might be able to write, but that is where my creative talents end--I am not a visual arts kind of guy.  For both of my books, I have outsourced the creation of the cover design with little-to-no guidance about what I wanted them to look like.  Usually my instructions to the design team went something along the lines of, "I don't want this, or that.  I want [...]

Continuing Actions v.s. After Action

"What's the difference between Continuing Actions and After Action?" This is the response I've gotten from several people after I told them about my upcoming second book.  In fact, I've heard that question enough times that I decided to write this post to explain the difference. To begin with, let me list their similarities:  Both books are non-fiction, both about combat and its after effects, both include my personal experiences in Iraq and afterward, and both were written to fill gaps in our modern understanding of what it means to be a warrior.  They both contain information I wish someone had [...]

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